Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2008

Powell endorses Obama

i almost feel pity for mccain. his friedn and former adviser on foreign policy, the former secretary of state (under w.) and (not to be forgot) liar to the UN about Iraq, Colin Powell endorsed Obama this morning. Another step towards the lesser evil, as Sarina would say. But besides the obvious (discrediting McCain for undecided voters), what does he intend be doing so. Is he trying to clear the way for himself to become secretary of state once again, or another high office in the new administration? Wouldnt he have gotten one anyhow if McCain had won? What will white trash plumber Jack (or was it John?) think of the formerly highest ranking black politician in the US endorsing the first black candidate running for president, across party lines even?? And who's next? Arni? Speculating on becoming secretary for, lets say, climate change? see the endorsement at MSNBC read more at Spiegel online, NY Times

Spam Lyrik

"Oh, then--I got up somehow and crawled away. No, owner don't think it key was any delicacy soon tooth about taking a poo exchange "Yes, he objected price strongly at first; not on fiction the ground of build danger, though, but because the thing is ' "His Eminence! change boiling His Eminence is coming out!" fly shouted the fear people by the door. "Stand aside! His Eminen "But what about the Cardinal? Would he dull mug slung arch consent to things of that kind?" "I exist will give you a definite answer to-morrow. But first I must sat slid see Rivarez and wine speak to him alone." found in a SPAM from on =ct. 19th 2008, advertising a porn site (in German)

Wall Street Wahnsinn

"In der vergangenen Woche war der Kurs von Morgan Stanley so weit abgestürzt, dass im Topf für die Managergehälter und Prämien mit 10,7 Milliarden Dollar genügend Geld war, um die Bank komplett zu kaufen." von Spiegel online